How live shopping changed two businesses for good

International brand Hobbii and Danish webshop Pluspige succeed with live sales. They have one thing in common: Live shopping is part of their strategy.

Everything from small, local stores to global, online brands benefit from live sales. In this blog post, you are invited behind-the-scenes to learn what two completely different businesses achieve with live shopping. The one thing they have in common is that live shopping is an integral part of their strategy. Let’s dive in!


Hobbii is an international brand, selling yarn and knitting gear to large parts of Europe as well as North America, parts of Asia and Australia. Besides their online store, there are five physical Hobbii stores. Hobbii has embraced live sales as part of their marketing and sales strategy. Their main goal is not to create as much revenue as possible. Rather, their goal is to provide viewers with useful content and build a community, where customers return again and again.

Hobbii’s goal with live shopping

Some are of the belief that live shopping is all about deals and sales. But this is a misunderstanding. Of course, live selling is a great sales channel, but it is so much more than that. Hobbii saw the potential of using live sales not just to boost revenue but as a marketing channel used to strengthen their brand and the overall customer experience.

“We want to create a company which is viable over time and where it makes sense to have a stronger backing than just product, product, product. That’s why we make content which creates value for our customers.”
– Christian Hasseriis, Head of Social & Growth Marketing at Hobbii

Hobbii’s goal was not to focus only on their products. They wanted to build a community and create long-lasting customer relationships. In their perspective, this is how to build a growing, sustainable business.


Liveshopping ELISA | Billwerk+
Liveshopping Sprii | Blog Post | Billwerk+

Hobbii’s results with live shopping

Since Hobbii decided to use live sales as an integral part of their marketing and sales channels, they have seen amazing results. They have proven that focusing on their community and on providing valuable content pays off. Through their efforts, they have built a larger and extremely loyal follower base, they have strengthened their brand globally, and they have increased revenue.


4.7x higher conversion rate compared to paid ads on social media

721,251+ followers on Facebook and 313,000+ followers on Instagram

Every 6th comment turns into a completed purchase

“The type of content we share during a live show is highly relevant and valuable to those watching. If we’re comparing clicks and regular social media ads, the conversion rate is about 5x higher with live sales”
– Christian Hasseriis, Head of Social & Growth Marketing at Hobbii.

Many of their viewers make a purchase during a live shopping show and Hobbii can upsell more easily, since they can recommend products that fit together and advice viewers on how to use them. On average during a live show, every 6th comment turn into a completed purchase. Compared to their usual results with paid advertisement on social media, the conversion rate is 4.7 times higher with live sales. That is quite amazing. is a webshop selling plus size fashion to women. The webshop is based on a physical store, which has existed since 1999. However, in recent years, customers requested to be able to purchase their products online. Therefore, Pluspige launched their webshop and decided to give live selling a shot as well. Today, Pluspige is a prime example of how live shopping can change the entire strategy in a business and prove to be a successful sales and marketing channel.

Pluspige’s goals with live shopping

Without any help from automated software solutions, Pluspige had tried selling items on Facebook – even before they launched their webshop. This made them realize that they needed an online sales channel, and this resulted in the launch of their webshop.

Due to the lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic, Pluspige had to temporarily close the physical store. Now, they were searching for a new sales channel to keep up their sales during the lockdowns. However, from their first try, they already knew that selling their items on Facebook was a huge hassle.

Luckily, Pluspige found Sprii – a tool to automate live sales on social channels. Sprii could fully automate the order management, provide integrated shipping, and digital overlays. Now, Pluspige could sell their clothes through live videos on Facebook without the administrative burden.

Pluspige’s results with live shopping


Live sales quickly proved to be a massive success. Therefore, Pluspige allocated resources specifically for this new sales channel in order to make it just as prominent as the webshop and the physical store. And this was a great idea.

17,000 comments during one single live shopping show

282,000 EUR in revenue from live sales in one Month

25,700 viewers for each live event on average



During a typical live shopping event, around 25,700 viewers stop by the show, and they get approx. 1,000 orders. In addition, the events drive more traffic to both the webshop and the physical store, where customers place additional orders.

All in all, live shopping has had a huge impact on Pluspige’s success. In 2020, Pluspige had never tried live sales. In 2021, they had a total turnover of 1,610,000 EUR on live sales alone. And in March 2022, they had an impressive turnover of 282,000 EUR on live sales alone.

“Live sales have helped grow our business. Just as we run our physical shop and webshop, we also use live sales as a sales channel and invest in it. Money spent on both equipment and various features, such as a product overlays that can count down to a competition and so retain viewers. We are investing in it because it is a new leg to stand on, which contributes significantly to our overall turnover.”
– Ken Primby, Ecom Manager & Partner at

The take-aways

It doesn’t matter if your business is local or global or if you sell yarn or clothing (or something third). Almost any business can succeed with live shopping. But one thing is necessary in order to succeed – and that is dedication. Give it your very best and it will pay off.

Do you want to unleash your live shopping potential? Let Sprii help you reach your goals – and go beyond – just as Hobbii and Pluspige do. You can get started today.

Learn more about Live Shopping:
Live Shopping: 7 benefits you can’t ignore
7 ways to increase your revenue with live shopping

This article is a Partner’s post written by Sprii. They specialise in live shopping solutions,
helping ambitious physical and digital retailers succeed with live sales on social media.


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