Trends, Best Practices, and Market Research for Subscription Management, Payment & Billing Topics.
Predictive analytics uses big amounts of historical data to create probability outcomes. So, when the computer makes a prediction, it chose the outcome [...]
Metered billing, loyalty programs for subscriptions, circular economy and tokenization are just some of the biggest subscription trends.
Ownership is at the heart of commerce but in the wake of increasing prices, climate change, and new technologies, a sharing economy has opened up - and [...]
Rolling reserves pertain to funds retained by your payment processors, the acquirers, from your merchant transactions, serving as a form of safeguard.
Acquiring - The meaning of the word is: to come into possession, ownership, or control; An acquirer is a financial institution that processes credit [...]
The question is not whether live shopping events are beneficial for your business. Rather, the question is: How do I make the most of my live shows? By [...]
Chargebacks are and will always be a hassle - they impact your turnover and can ruin your business. Here's Billwerk+ 6 best practice tips to [...]
An interest in sustainable e-commerce is growing in the consumers. More and more people choose sustainable and ecological products if possible, and the [...]