Get ahead with automatic credit card updates

Our built-in token service for all Visa and Mastercards can increase your retention and lower your support calls. A solution for your recurring payments and cards on file, that automatically will be renewed when your customers card credentials needs to be updated.

Activate your test account today to explore how to lower your churn and secure your payments.

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No credit card needed

What are the benefits?

By securely saving customers’ payment cards for recurring purchases in your e-commerce or subscription service, you enhance the shopping experience by streamlining the payment process. However, managing cards on file and subscription payments can be challenging when it comes to reminding your customers to update their expired or lost cards. Cards with tokenised data through Visa Token Service are updated automatically when replaced, saving you hours of work and reduces the risk of losing customers due to not updated payment cards.

With Visa Token Service you can:

  • Improve retention
  • Lower lost revenue rate
  • Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty

The increased payment protection and automation that Visa Token Service and Mastercard Tokenization provide can benefit you and your business. Payment tokenisation is the next evolutionary step in the payment industry, and Billwerk+ in partnership with Visa are proud to be the first movers to offer this feature to our customers.

Visa Token Service offers:

  • Fraud protection
  • Credit card Automation
  • Increased customer lifetime value
  • Reduces the risk of churn due to complicated card renewals
  • Less risk of loss of subscribers that doesn’t update their payment card information

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No credit card needed

What is Visa Token Service

Visa Token Service is a new Billwerk+ feature developed in partnership with Visa, that automates and safeguards your customers Visa card recurring payments. The Visa tokenisation will become standard by October 1st 2023. The newer Billwerk+ users will have the Token Requester ID automatically activated, but if you are an existing user you can either manually activate it or wait until it gets automatically activated as a service for you a few weeks before October.

Learn more about Visa Token Service

It’s this easy to activate Visa Token Service

Activating Visa Token Service is very easy:

  1. Log in to your Billwerk+ Admin  (former Reepay)
  2. Go to Configuration – Payment Methods
  3. Go to ‘Card’
  4. Click on the first container
  5. And then click on the ‘Actions’
  6. Click on the manage Visa Token
  7. Generate a Token Requestor ID

The Token Requestor ID can be used for all your acquiring agreements where  you can use tokens. That is, in recurring payments situations where you save your customers payment cards for recurring purchases, or for your Visa subscription management.

Who can use Visa Token Service?

Currently Visa Token Service is available for Billwerk+ Subscription users. To utilise Visa Token Service in Subscription Premium and Enterprise, you need to be a Billwerk+ Payments payment gateway user.

Need any help or have questions? Call us +45 89 87 85 81, or send us an email. Our support team is happy to help you!