March 21st | 11:00 CET

Trends 2024 // Stay ahead of the competition

Utilizing AI & Hyper-Personalization for Your Subscription Business

Embrace the Future: Elevate Your Subscription Business Strategy 2024


March 21st | 11:00 CET

Trends 2024 // Stay ahead of the competition

Utilizing AI & Hyper-Personalization for Your Subscription Business

Embrace the Future: Elevate Your Subscription Business Strategy 2024

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More Information

Explore the Subscription Trends 2024

Join us for an insightful webinar, to unravel the complexities of AI, covering its definition, evolution, and various technologies like Machine Learning and Neural Networks. We’ll discuss the types of AI and delve into the challenges and opportunities it presents for subscription-based enterprises.

Discover how AI can revolutionize customer acquisition, retention, pricing strategies, and more, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions for sustainable growth.

Further, we’ll explore the rising demand for hyper-personalization and its impact across different industries. Learn why investing in personalized experiences is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and how Subscrybe can assist in achieving hyper-personalization goals through advanced data analytics systems and successful case studies.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the trends shaping 2024 and learn actionable strategies for harnessing the power of AI and hyper-personalization in your business. Register now to secure your spot!

The Agenda:

Artificial Intelligence

  • Overview of Key AI Concepts and Technologies
  • Types of Artificial Intelligence
  • General Limitations and Challenges of AI
  • How AI can be used for optimizing Your Subscription Business


  • Consumer expectations
  • Next Level Customer Experiences
  • Succeeding with hyper-personalization
  • Use Cases

Your Hosts

With over 20 years of industry experience in various senior positions, among other roles, as co-founder and IT managing director at European SaaS companies, Steffen Mey is heading the Value Solution Consulting department at Billwerk+ Germany GmbH. He advises customers and prospects, along with his team, on the implementation or transformation towards subscription business models. With his experience, Steffen brings the business perspective to the webinar.

Niels Vestergaard serves as a Subscription Consultant at Subscrybe, with a specialization in monitoring and analyzing evolving consumer trends and expectations. He provides insights into consumer anticipations, advising subscription businesses on leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies, like hyper-personalization. In the webinar, Niels will explore how personalized interactions can revolutionize your customer journey, paving the way for the future of consumer-business relationships.

Steffen Mey

Niels Vestergaard