Whitepaper: 5 Growth Hacks For Your Subscription Business

Leverage the AARRR framework
to strengthen your recurring revenue strategy

Billwerk+ 5 grwoth hacks to leverage the AARRR framework for your recurring revenue business - Cover preview

Leverage the AARRR framework
to strengthen your recurring revenue strategy

Billwerk+ 5 grwoth hacks to leverage the AARRR framework for your recurring revenue business - Cover preview

The AARRR framework for your business

The AARRR framework is a set of five trackable metrics that identify user behavior for successful product-led growth businesses: acquisition, activation, retention, referral, revenue.

As such, it not only provides insightful metrics but also core customer lifecycle phases that define the long-term relationship between you and your customers.

In this whitepaper, we will use the framework to show you how to optimize the customer journey across your subscription business model by using the five metrics as a roadmap to further engage and retain your customers.

The AARRR framework for your business

The AARRR framework is a set of five trackable metrics that identify user behavior for successful product-led growth businesses: acquisition, activation, retention, referral, revenue.

As such, it not only provides insightful metrics but also core customer lifecycle phases that define the long-term relationship between you and your customers.

In this whitepaper, we will use the framework to show you how to optimize the customer journey across your subscription business model by using the five metrics as a roadmap to further engage and retain your customers.


Fun Fact

Due to its pronunciation, the AARRR framework is also referred to as “pirate metrics”, given that pirates in film and other media are often associated with the utterance “Arrr” as a way of saying “Yes”.


Grow interest in your product and make use of incentives to gain an upper hand during the decision phase of interested contacts.


Decrease the time-to-purchase with attractive offers and a smooth and easy experience for new and loyal customers.


Keep users engaged by listening to their needs, showing them ways to interact with your product or service and reward them for their loyalty.


Customers trust other customers and honest referrals result in new and loyal customers, usually with much shorter decision periods, highlighting the interconnectedness of the growth stages or funnel.


Keep an overview on your most important KPIs, channels, customers and products or services to test and adjust your market approach “on the go”.


Fun Fact

Due to its pronunciation, the AARRR framework is also referred to as “pirate metrics”, given that pirates in film and other media are often associated with the utterance “Arrr” as a way of saying “Yes”.


Grow interest in your product and make use of incentives to gain an upper hand during the decision phase of interested contacts.


Decrease the time-to-purchase with attractive offers and a smooth and easy experience for new and loyal customers.


Keep users engaged by listening to their needs, showing them ways to interact with your product or service and reward them for their loyalty.


Customers trust other customers and honest referrals result in new and loyal customers, usually with much shorter decision periods, highlighting the interconnectedness of the growth stages or funnel.


Keep an overview on your most important KPIs, channels, customers and products or services to test and adjust your market approach “on the go”.

The AARRR framework as your growth roadmap - thumbnail

Script your SaaS success story with us.

Get to know the AARRR framework and apply it to your recurring revenue business models.